翅果油树是我国特有种 ,为国家 2级珍稀濒危保护植物 ,是具有良好固氮作用的非豆科植物和木本油料植物 ,主要分布于山西南部的低山和丘陵区 ,总面积约 2 0 0 km2 ,总株数 4 .0~ 5 .0× 10 5,年产种子 2 .0~ 2 .2 5× 10 3t。翅果油树种子油不仅可作为优质食用油 ,而且富含亚油酸、油酸和亚麻油酸等 ,具有预防和治疗高血压及软化血管的作用。针对山西翅果油树资源及利用现状 ,提出了资源可持续利用和保护的对策。
Samara oleifera is endemic to China and is a national grade 2 rare and endangered plant. It is a non-leguminous plant and a woody oil plant with good nitrogen fixation. It is mainly distributed in the low mountains and hilly areas of southern Shanxi with a total area of about 2 0 0 km2, the total number of plants 4 0 ~ 5 0 × 10 5, with an annual output of seeds 2 .0 ~ 2 .2 5 × 10 3t. Samara seed oil not only as a high-quality cooking oil, but also rich in linoleic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid, etc., with the prevention and treatment of hypertension and soften blood vessels. Aiming at the current situation and resources utilization of Shanxi samara tree, the countermeasures for the sustainable utilization and protection of resources were put forward.