当今 ,肾疾病仍是危害人们健康的一种常见病。随着干化学技术的普及 ,使得尿液中更多化学成分得以快速分析 ,其方法简便、灵敏、精密度高。用尿分析仪作 8项、11项 ,大大的方便了检验科 ,为临床提供了精确的数据。干化学试带是依靠颜色变化来显示检测结果的 ,但其对尿沉渣中的
Today, kidney disease is still a common disease that endangers people’s health. With the popularization of dry chemical technology, more chemical components in urine are rapidly analyzed. The method is simple, sensitive and precise. Using a urine analyzer for 8, 11, greatly facilitate the laboratory, providing accurate clinical data. Dry chemical test strip depends on the color change to show the test results, but its urine sediment