Job search in the field of mass media in Japan, advertising topped the list, is the most popular occupation. In the most competitive advertising talent the Dentsu, from recruiting new features, the new staff training process and the unique LEADER-SUBLEADER system to understand the overview of its personnel training mode. Qualcomm recruit new divided into general positions and two types of ART positions, the evaluation of new people, personality and teamwork are usually very valued. From the first seven years when a newcomer enters the company, all of them are regarded as early-stage personnel training. Among them, the most important one is the first and a half months of new staff training, which mainly includes three phases: basic knowledge learning, business field practice and basic knowledge consolidation. The LEADER-SUBLEADER system of Dentsu is the secret of inheriting and carrying forward the “power-through mode” and plays an irreplaceable and central role in the training of new recruits. Combined with the actual situation in China, the author believes that “Who to teach ”, “How to teach ”, “What to teach ” is the three aspects of Chinese college advertising education is worth noting.