高一志作为意大利耶稣会明末清初来华传教士之一,为中西文化交流做出了突出贡献。他的《童幼教育·西学》介绍了欧洲教会学校当时的教育体系,是先文学,再众学,最后到天学。《童幼教育·西学》是以耶稣会的《教育计划》为蓝本的著述。《教育计划》全面反映了欧洲中世纪耶稣会的教育实践。据目前挖掘的文献考证,高一志是第一个明确介绍了“落热加”和“哲学”概念的来华耶稣会传教士,并且指出了逻辑在所有学科中的基础地位和作用。“,”Alfonso Vagnoni , one of the Italian Jesuit missionaries in the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty , made out-standing contributions to the cultural exchange between China and the West .His Child Education -Western introduced the education system of European church schools: firstly, literature; secondly, various theories; finally, theology.Child Education -Western is based on The Jesuit Ratio Studiorum , which fully reflects the educational practice of European Jesuit in the Middle Ages .According to the current literature research , Alfonso Vagnoni was the first Jesuit missionary who clearly introduced the concepts of “logic” and“phi-losophy” and defined the basic status and role of logic in all disciplines .