湖北省人民政府于今年四月以鄂政发(1986)11号文件,印发了《湖北省会计人员奖励试行办法》,现全文转载如下: 第一条为奖劢在维护国家财政制度和财务制度、保护社会主义公共财产、加强经济管理、提高经济效益中做出显著成绩的会计人员,充分发挥他们的积极性和创造精神,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》第四条第二款的规定,结合本省实际情况,制定本办法。第二条本办法适用于本省国营企事业单位和国家行政机关、社会团体中的会计人员。第三条县级以上人民政府的财政部门,负责组织本地区会计人员奖励的安排、评审、批准和授奖工作。第四条会计人员存坚持四项基本原则,模范遵守财经纪律,热爱本职工作的前提下,凡符合下
In April this year, Hubei Provincial People’s Government issued the “Hubei Provincial Accounting Staff Award Trial Measures” on the basis of the document E-Zheng Fa (1986) No. 11, and the full text is reproduced as follows: Article 1 is the prize for safeguarding the state financial system and financial system , Protect the socialist public property, strengthen economic management, improve economic efficiency, make remarkable achievements in accountants, give full play to their enthusiasm and creativity, according to “People’s Republic of China Accounting Law” Article IV, paragraph 2, combined with The actual situation in the province, the development of this approach. Article 2 This set of measures shall apply to accountants in state-owned enterprises, public institutions, state administrative organs and social organizations in the province. Article 3 The financial department of the people’s government at or above the county level shall be responsible for organizing the arrangements, reviewing, approving and awarding of awards for accountants in the region. Article 4 The accounting staff shall, in keeping with the four basic principles, abide by the financial and economic discipline and love their own work,