
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Java8657
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现阶段我国社会经济发展进程向前推进的速度较为稳定,与此同时我国所处的时代是一个知识经济时代,各项科学技术措施发展和应用的速度都得到了大幅度的提升,因此我国建筑工程行业发展速度也得到了一定程度的提升,在此基础之上建筑工程行业中的市场竞争变得越发激烈起来,建筑工程施工单位如果想要在竞争越发激烈的市场当中占据一席之地的话,那么一定需要在传统型施工技术措施的基础上做出创新,以便于可以使得我国时代发展进程向前推进的过程中提出的客观要求得到满足。虽然说现阶段我国已经开始推行可持续发展策略,但是我国社会经济发展进程向前推进的过程中,呈现出来的环境污染问题仍然显得较为严重。因此在建筑工程施工领域中,创新型节能技术措施应当得到充分的重视。 At the present stage, the progress of social and economic development in our country is proceeding at a relatively steady pace. At the same time, our country is in an era of knowledge-based economy and the speed of development and application of various scientific and technological measures has been greatly improved. Therefore, Engineering industry has also been a certain degree of speed to enhance the speed of development, based on the construction industry in the market competition has become more intense up, construction companies if you want to build more competition in the market to occupy a place, then it must We need to make innovations on the basis of the traditional construction techniques and measures in order to satisfy the objective demands that can be made in the process of advancing the development of our times. Although China has already started to implement the strategy of sustainable development at the present stage, the environmental pollution problem that appears in the process of social and economic development in our country is still more serious. Therefore, in the field of building construction, innovative energy-saving technologies and measures should be given full attention.
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在工程量清单计价模式下,本文主要从设计阶段影响造价的主要因素以及设计阶段造价管理与控制方法进行论述。 Under the bill of quantities pricing model, this article ma