【摘 要】
在刚刚结束的2011法国放射日(FCR’2011)年会上,我国著名放射学专家、中华医学会副会长、中国医师协会副会长戴建平教授喜获法国放射学界最高荣誉——安托万勋章(Médaille A
在刚刚结束的2011法国放射日(FCR’2011)年会上,我国著名放射学专家、中华医学会副会长、中国医师协会副会长戴建平教授喜获法国放射学界最高荣誉——安托万勋章(Médaille Antoine Béclère’2011),旨在表彰他对中国放射学的的兴起和医学影像学的发展所做的卓越贡献。
At the just-concluded annual meeting of France Radiation Day 2011 (FCR’2011), Professor Dai Jianping, a famous radiologist, vice chairman of Chinese Medical Association and vice president of Chinese Medical Association won the highest honor of French radiology community Antoine Medal (Médaille Antoine Béclère ’2011), to recognize his outstanding contribution to the rise of China’s radiology and the development of medical imaging.
说明:1.刀具特点:(1)将φ4×35滚针磨成3°斜面,将3K1005E 刀片斜楔在刀体上,结构简单,夹紧元件少,刀具装卸制造方便。(2)刀片前角γ改磨成15°主后角α=6°在精镗钢件时,平
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This article gives a brief introduction of a cross-section production line for sma
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党的十一届三中全会以来,上海围绕经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,在扩大对外开放的同时,努力做好对内开放、服务全国的工作。 一、对内开放、服务全国是上
An improved harvester available in scavenging energy from the operating environment with either weaker or stronger vibration levels is studied. To ensure the op
“Concerned about the technology
Huang H…∥PNAS.-2007,104(14).-5848~5853丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)和富含甘油三酯的极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)均由肝细胞分泌且以复合体的形式在血液中循环。研究者通过磁性免疫分离法