目前,经上级部门批准的赣榆县人工渔礁建设项目各项准备工作已全部就绪,进入礁体制作阶段,这标志着江苏省首个人工渔礁建设工程在该县已全面启动。 赣榆县地处海州湾渔场腹地,是众多海产经济动物的产卵场和索饵场,历史上盛产鱼、虾、蟹、贝等近百个品种的海产品,但长期以来的掠夺式滥采滥捕,使这些珍贵的海洋生物资源遭到严重破坏。人
At present, the preparatory work for the Ganyu artificial reef construction project approved by the higher authorities has been completed and has entered the reef production stage, which indicates that the first artificial reef construction project in Jiangsu Province has been started in the county. Ganyu County, located in the hinterland of Haizhou Bay Fisheries, is a spawning ground and a feeding ground for numerous marine economy animals. Historically, it has produced nearly 100 species of seafood such as fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish, but has long been predatory Overcrowding and overcrowding have caused serious damage to these precious marine living resources. people