随着农村青壮年劳动力外出务工,农户种田基本依赖化肥,过量施肥、偏施氮磷肥现象明显。据江西省永丰县2008~2014年采集稻田6 831个土样检测显示,其碱解氮加权平均为230.25 mg/kg,有效磷28.53 mg/kg,速效钾84.95 mg/kg,有机质32.3 g/kg,土壤pH 5.02,与第2次土壤普查相比,氮、磷、钾、有机质分别增加了110.55 mg/kg、17.33 mg/kg、36.15
As migrant rural migrant workers go out to work, farmers basically depend on chemical fertilizers to farm, over fertilizing and overbalanced nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. According to the soil samples collected from 6,831 paddy fields collected from Yongfeng County, Jiangxi Province in 2008-2014, the average weight of available N was 230.25 mg / kg, available phosphorus was 28.53 mg / kg, available potassium was 84.95 mg / kg, organic matter was 32.3 g / kg and soil pH 5.02. Compared with the second soil survey, the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matter increased by 110.55 mg / kg, 17.33 mg / kg and 36.15, respectively