NiCoCrAlY coatings were prepared by coaxial powder feeding and tableting pre-laser cladding. The utilization ratio of the two laser cladding powders, the coating dilution rate, the hardness of the cladding layer and the microstructure of the cladding layer were compared . The results show that under the optimum process parameters of good metallurgical bonding at the coating interface, the utilization rate of co-axial powder laser cladding is closely related to the processing parameters, the maximum does not exceed 0.4, and the pre-laser cladding powder The rate is higher than 0.9; coaxial powder feeding laser cladding coating fusion zone is perpendicular to the interface columnar crystals, the upper part of the uniform equiaxed crystal, prelaminated laser clad coating dendrite throughout the coating ; However, the hardness of the pre-cast cladding coating is slightly lower than that of the coaxial powder coating.