买得起车,当然也要养得起车,更要管得住车。 老百姓好不容易买回了自己心仪已久的车,但是不到半年,车就丢了。咬咬牙,再买一辆。看着这回用防盗装置武装的车,心里头却没了喜悦,剩下的都是担心。“再丢的话该咋办?” 对一辆轿车而言,防盗装置无异于骑士们的盔甲。油路指纹锁、电子防盗系统、方向盘锁、波棍锁,这是汽车防盗甲的四大法宝。应记者的请求,按照最热门的汽车防盗的一般配置,有关汽车修配公司的经理对全副武装的汽车算了一笔帐,不过3000元左右。方向盘锁价格在100元至700元间,波棍锁价格在300元至700元间。至于电子防盗系统,便宜者400元就可成交,但功能仅限于简单报警,这位经理推荐的“金武士”来自意大利,价格在3000元左右,安装有红外线探测系统,即便是车窗未关,手一伸进车内便会报警。当然还有更为先进的汽车防盗装置,比如目前较为流行的一种需交纳月租的报警系统,车辆一出重要关口,管理人员就会
Can afford the car, of course, have to support the car, but also to control the car. People finally bought their favorite car, but less than six months, the car was lost. Bite your teeth and buy one more. Looking at this time with the anti-theft device armed car, my heart no joy, the rest are worried. “Then what to do if you lose it?” For a car, the anti-theft device is nothing less than the knight’s armor. Oil Fingerprint lock, electronic security systems, steering wheel locks, Bobo lock, which is a car four armor a magic weapon. At the request of a reporter, in accordance with the general configuration of the hottest car anti-theft, the manager of the auto repair company counted the heavily armed car for an amount of about 3,000 yuan, however. Steering wheel lock price between 100 yuan to 700 yuan, the price of Bobo lock 300 yuan to 700 yuan. As for the electronic anti-theft system, the cheaper 400 yuan can be traded, but the function is limited to a simple alarm, the manager recommended the “Golden Warrior” from Italy, the price of 3,000 yuan, the installation of infrared detection system, even if the windows are not closed , Hand into the car will alarm. Of course, there are more advanced car anti-theft devices, such as the current one is more popular monthly fee to pay the alarm system, the vehicle an important juncture, managers will