按纲施建抓重点 科学统筹求高效——云南省昆明市陆军预备役通信团抓基层建设的先进经验

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近年来,云南省昆明市陆军预备役通信团坚持用科学发展观指导基层建设,以《军队基层建设纲要》为依据,以“四个基本”建设为重点,以科学统筹为手段,坚持用作战部队的标准狠抓各项工作落实,使基层建设实现了又好又快发展。一、始终坚持以《纲要》统揽基层全面建设该团党委认真学习胡主席关于基层建设的重要论述,深入落实各级基层建设工作会议精神,牢牢确立了三个观念。一是抓预备役部队首先要抓基层的观念。预备役部队的主体是预备役官兵,基础是预编营连,必须把基层建设作为一切工作的基础和起 In recent years, the Kunlun Army Reserve Reserves Communications Corps in Yunnan Province has insisted on guiding the grassroots construction with the scientific concept of development. Based on the “Outline for Army Grassroots Construction” and focusing on the construction of “four basic aspects,” scientific and integrated planning as a means of persisting The standard of the combat units paid close attention to the implementation of all the work so that the grassroots construction achieved a sound and rapid development. I. Always adhere to “grassroots” overall control at grass-roots level Construct the party’s party committee to conscientiously study Chairman Hu’s important exposition on grassroots construction, thoroughly implement the spirit of the grassroots work conference at all levels, and firmly establish three concepts. First, grasping reserve forces must first grasp the concept of grassroots. The mainstay of the reserve force is the reserve officers and soldiers, based on the pre-construction and operation, and grassroots construction must be taken as the basis for all work
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<正> 一般地说,意义诠释理论作为中国哲学的一个重要组成部分,它由伦理诠释学与伦理应用逻辑规则理论所构成。伦理诠释研究的是世界、人生之真和伦理、道德范畴之真,伦理应用逻辑规则则关心这种真的范畴如何才能应用到人的生命活动中。前者关心的是认识确定性如何通过理念范畴而得以表达,后者则关心此种范畴如何通过一定应用规则而得到践行,以求达真实人生。
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