The council list

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  China Association For Science and Technology
  General Office
  Wu Haiying
  China Association For Science and Technology
  Finance Planning Department
  Wang Yanhu
  China Association For Science and Technology
  Popular Science and Technology Department
  Yang Wenzhi
  China Association For Science and Technology
  International Liaison Department
  Zhang Jiansheng
  China Association For Science and Technology
  Youth Science and Technology Center
  Li Xiaoliang
  China Institute of Popular Science
  Ren Fujun
  China Science and Technology Museum
  Shu Wei
  China Association For Science and Technology
  Rural Specialized Technical Service Center
  Gong Kunhou
  Popular Science Press
  Su Qing
  Beijing Science and Technology Association
  Xia Qiang
  Tianjin Science and Technology Association
  Yang Xinchuan
  Hebei Science and Technology Association
  Li Zongmin
  Shanxi Science and Technology Association
  Yang Weimin
  Shanghai Science and Technology Association
  Yang Jianrong
  Jiangsu Science and Technology Association
  Chen Huijuan
  Zhejiang Science and Technology Association
  Li Dezhong
  Anhui Science and Technology Association
  Wang Xun
  Fujian Science and Technology Association
  Liang Jinyang
  Jiangxi Science and Technology Association
  Gong Shaolin
  Shandong Science and Technology Association
  Wang Chunqiu
  Henan Science and Technology Association
  Cai Yongli
  Hubei Science and Technology Association
  Xia Hang
  Guangdong Science and Technology Association
  He Zhen
  Sichuan Science and Technology Association
  Wu Kai
  Shanxi Science and Technology Association
  Hu Yan
  The Central Committee of Communist
  Youth League of China
  Wang Ting
这组作品是英国时尚摄影师Ben Toms为杂志《Dazed & Confused》所拍攝,出镜是英国小演员Maisie Williams,她出生于1997年,饰演《权利的游戏》中的艾莉亚·史塔克一角。
2016年国际赛车领域风起云涌,不仅仅有世界上最艰苦的达喀尔越野拉力赛,而且还有比拼终极速度的F1大奖赛。  近日,国外媒体整理了十张2016年最佳赛车摄影照片,每一张照片背后都一个赛场故事。  10、300 MINI  这张照片拍摄于今年的达喀尔拉力赛,当时车手Nasser Al-Attiyah和Matthieu Baumel正驾驶他们的300号MINI赛车穿越沙丘,车身上的红牛标志和身后滚滚扬
要想拍摄体育比赛的瞬间,无论是对于相机和摄影爱好者来说都是巨大的考验,因为其要求相机在拍摄的瞬间合焦,从而记录每一秒的精彩。对于摄影爱好者们而言,一直以来很难找到一套性价比兼顾的体育设备,拍好体育运动也就更难了。自从索尼微单?A6500发布以来,这个局面已经悄然的发生了改变。  首先索尼微单?A6500的重量很轻,单机身重量仅约410g,重量和体积已经做到了同级别中最小,相应的镜头、配件的体积都减
Bicycle theft seems to be a commonplace in our daily life, so it is not strange that 3 Chile university students major in engineering found their bikes stolen. To prevent their bikes being stolen agai
An fossil egg of elephant bird with diameter of 0.3 meter which is close to the size of 100 eggs will be sold by auction in western Sussex England. The egg , known as the biggest one around the world
相信很多玩家都有收藏手办的爱好,但如果你这些手办只是静静地立在橱柜里的话,未免有些太可惜了,看看下面这位日本摄影师怎么做的吧,他简直把这些塑料手办拍成了“活的”。  因为经常分享超级英雄手办的创意照片,日本摄影师Hotkenobi在Instagram小有名气,已经拥有了5万粉絲。  他利用摄影和后期,再加上一些故事情节的想象,把一个个塑料制的手办变得栩栩如生,仿佛科幻大片里的大英雄。  好一个基情
最近,國外一位老哥因为手工打造了一颗A卡口的FE135mm/F1.8的镜头而着实火了一把。  首先,老哥自己收集了很多玻璃镜片,并且从它们中挑出了最晶莹剔透的一颗。  然后老哥在进行大量计算后,自行设计了这颗镜头的结构蓝图,并找到了一家3D打印公司帮忙。  这家3D打印公司按照老哥的要求,制作出了镜身部分与4块不同样式的光圈。  老哥收到制作好的成品后,将事先准备好的玻璃镜片安装上去便完成了整颗镜
In June 2013, Yun Nan Honghe Hani terraced fields get into the UNESCO world cultural heritage list as a culture landscape. Terraces are widely distributed in South China, not only Yun Nan has the magn
“纵使卢王操翰墨,劣于汉魏近风骚,龙文虎脊皆君驭,历块过都见尔曹”,这并非时杜甫《戏为六绝句》中最出名的诗句,但这很符合数码相机、镜头原厂与副厂用户间的情形,杜甫这几句诗词的意思是当时初唐四杰的文章经常被时人嘲笑,但实际上龙文虎脊这样的文章君(初唐四杰)等都能驾驭,他们的文章开创了时代的先河,比尔曹(嘲笑的人们)要经得起时间的考验。  腾龙作为市场占有率非常高的副厂镜头双雄之一,也难免经常被键盘摄
Autumn is called a season of influenza because influenza occurs frequently in Autum days. As cold virus is constantly mutating, researchers find themselve engaged in major influenza viruses popular in