Tonsillitis is one of the most common presentations to the primary care clinic. Majority of the tonsillitis is viral etiology and occasionally is caused by bact
Chemotherapy induced cardio-toxicity is a well known side effect of anticancer treatments, moreover the 70% of all tumors involve patients over 65 years-old, fr
Background: Apart from nasal symptoms allergic rhinitis was associated with ocular or other symptoms affecting social and somatic activities or sleep. In the li
Traditional Chinese herbal medicines (Kampo) are used to improve flow characteristics of blood (Oketsu). We assumed that by preventing stagnation of blood, thes
Green tea catechins are classified as (-)-epi-forms (2R, 3R) or (-)-forms (2S, 3R) with respect to stereoisomerism. The (-)-forms (2S, 3R) in catechin preparati
The purpose of the study was to investigate whether or not the incidence of cough after intra-venous fentanyl depends on the patient’s smoking state and the sp