临沂地区地处鲁南,地势西北高、东南低,山地、丘陵、平原各占三分之一。区域内大陆性气候特征显著,冬季寒冷干燥,雨雪稀少,夏季雨水集中,降水量不仅年内分布不均,而且区域分布差异也较大,地理位置和气候特征决定了我区易遭受水旱灾害。 水旱灾害在我区是发生频率最高、影响范围最广、危害程度最深的自然灾害之一,据史料记载,自清代到新中国成立前的306年
Linyi area is located in Lunan, topography northwest high, southeast low, mountains, hills, plain each one-third. The continental climate characteristics are remarkable in this region. The winter is cold and dry with few rains and snowfalls. The rainwater is concentrated in the summer. The precipitation is not only unevenly distributed throughout the year, but also varies greatly in area. The geographical location and climatic characteristics determine that the area is vulnerable to floods and droughts . Floods and droughts are one of the most frequent natural disasters in our region, with the most extensive impact and the most serious hazards. According to historical records, since the Qing Dynasty to the 306 years before the founding of New China