利用酸性非特异性酯酶(Acid α-naphthyl Acetate Esterase)(以下简称ANAE)这一组织化学方法作为鉴别T淋巴细胞的一种简单易行手段,近年来国内外已有一些报导,但多以周围血涂片或白血病细胞为主要观察对象,对骨髓象中淋巴细胞的ANAE活性仅有少数记载,而对骨髓各系统各阶段细胞的观察尚未见到详细的描述。我们在80年9月~81年9月观察小儿白血病骨髓细胞ANAE活性的过程中,同时对一般骨髓中各系统各阶段细胞的ANAE活性进行了观察。另外对小儿各年龄组(3月~6岁)末梢血象中淋巴细胞的ANAE活性也进行了观察比较,现总结如下:
In recent years, there has been some reports at home and abroad about the histochemical method using acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) as a simple and easy method to identify T lymphocytes. However, Blood smear or leukemia cells as the main object of observation, there is only a few records on the ANAE activity of lymphocytes in the bone marrow, but the detailed description has not been given for the observation of the cells in all stages of the bone marrow system. We observe the activity of ANAE in pediatric leukemia bone marrow cells from September 1980 to September 2001, and observe the ANAE activity of cells in all stages of each system in the common bone marrow at the same time. In addition, children of all age groups (March to 6 years) peripheral blood lymphocytes ANAE activity were also observed and compared, are summarized as follows: