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今天是周末,道路不畅,车很拥挤。我第三次把颤抖的手伸向阿姨的皮包。终于得手。我赶紧把钱包塞进自己口袋,抬起头若无其事地望着窗外。我仿佛觉得,车厢内所有人,都在用一种异样的眼光瞟我,我感到自己浑身的汗毛都战栗起来。 Today is the weekend, the road is not smooth and the car is crowded. The third time I stretched my trembling hand to Auntie’s leather bag. Finally succeeded. I hurriedly stuffed my wallet into my pocket and looked up at the window without looking up. It seemed to me that everyone in the car was smashing me with a strange look, and I felt the shrillness of my whole body tremble.
China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)has recently published major economic statistics for 2008.Based on preliminary statistics,China’s gross domestic pr
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說起这十年,一时间不知从哪里开首。  姑祖母家的平安夜,我站在天台上,远处是西贡夜色里的一湾海。明暗间是散落水中的岛屿。浅浅的海浪激荡,岛屿便是浮动的船。  院落里灯影阑珊,圣诞树兀自精神。夜已微凉,姑祖父身上盖着厚厚的毯子,坐在藤椅上打瞌睡。家人早就叫他回房,但他不愿,不愿意错过热闹。宁愿做这热闹里的布景,也甘心。客人早都散了,热闹却还是浓厚地在餐桌上﹑草地间堆积。小狗不知倦,将李医生家双胞胎留
10月24日,“嫦娥一号”带着炎黄子孙数千年夙愿去探访广寒宫。它是我国综合国力的体现,也是载入中华民族史册的又一大盛事。 On October 24, the “Chang’e I” with thous
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