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在体验旅游迅速发展的今天,文化体验游成为一种新的旅游发展趋势。文学作品是人类文化的重要组成部分,与旅游地相关的文学作品亦成为重要的旅游资源。本文以《水浒传》为例,立足资源优势,把握文化精髓,将名著文化潜在价值充分运用到旅游开发中,深挖文化内涵,彰显文化特色,确保名著文化旅游持续发展。 In experiencing the rapid development of tourism, cultural experience tourism has become a new trend of tourism development. Literary works are an important part of human culture, and literary works related to tourist destinations have also become important tourism resources. Taking “Outlaws of the Marsh” as an example, based on the advantages of resources, grasp the essence of culture, make full use of the potential value of the famous culture in tourism development, dig out the cultural connotation, highlight the cultural characteristics and ensure the sustainable development of the famous cultural tourism.
“微笑刺客”伊塞亚·托马斯是托马斯家族中名气最大的,虽然伊塞亚以令人眼花缭乱的控球闻名,但“托马斯家族”并不盛产控卫,恰恰相反的是,“托马斯家族”盛产苦力蓝领,这一点与勇猛好斗的“华莱士家族”很相似,“托马斯家族”的蓝领们虽然名气不大,但个个是英雄好汉,现在就让我们一起走进“托马斯家族”。    科特在尼克斯效力了7个赛季,2005年夏天离开时他的成绩单上写着:场均11.5分10.4个篮板,对于一