Property Tax in Urban China

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xin__yonghu
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This paper examines China’s urban housing sector and proposes that property tax reform be undertaken.Specifically,China should significantly reduce taxes on transactions and introduce property taxes during the possession of houses.This will increase housing affordability as a result of lower transaction costs,reduce speculation because of the higher opportunity cost of holding vacant houses,stabilize the fiscal system by generating more sustainable tax revenue,and improve the efficiency and fairness of the property tax system according to the principles of“ability-to-pay” and“user pays”. This paper examines China’s urban housing sector and engine that property tax reform be be made.Specifically, China should significantly reduce taxes on transactions and introduce property taxes during the possession of houses. This will increase housing affordability as a result of lower transaction costs, reduce speculation because of the higher opportunity cost of holding vacant houses, stabilize the fiscal system by generating more sustainable tax revenue, and improve the efficiency and fairness of the property tax system according to the principles of “ability-to-pay ” and “ user pays ”.
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