Indirect blood clotting method was used to measure the level of diphtheria in 2208 different age groups. The results showed that the positive rate of diphtheria antibody ≥ 0.01 IU / ml was 67.5% and the antibody GMT was 0.0398 IU / ml. The protective rates of diphtheria antibodies of ≥ 0.01 IU / ml in all age groups ranged from 56.6% to 85.7%, and the GMTs ranged from 0.0299 to 0.0702 IU / ml. Diphtheria antibody levels in 1 to 10 years old group is higher, 15 to 30 years old group is low, 40 ~ to 50 years old group has picked up. Diphtheria antibody positive rate and GMT rural areas below the city, women than men. It is necessary to further strengthen the planned immunization in rural areas and to strengthen the immunization of adolescents and adults.