桃花源的故事,大家一定都不陌生。那一片世外桃源的宁静,多少年来都是人们梦中的理想国。我们总是在追寻着属于自己的理想国,有时难免失望,心中却依然有着向往。好像向往着,向往着,理想就会近一点,再近一点,好让追逐中疲惫的身心有个歇脚的地方。 其实,文学也仿佛是那个美丽的桃花源。我们可以抛开现实的一切,沉浸在文学带给我们的宁静和喜悦中,也可以在文学中找到面对一切困难和挫折的力量。
The story of Peach Blossoms is certainly no stranger to everyone. The peacefulness of this paradise is a dream country in people’s dreams for many years. We are always chasing after our own ideal country. Sometimes we are inevitably disappointed, but we still have a longing in our hearts. It seems to be longing for, longing for, the ideal will be a little closer, a little closer, so that the body and mind in the pursuit of exhaustion have a rest stop. In fact, literature also seems to be the source of that beautiful peach blossom. We can set aside everything in reality and immerse ourselves in the peace and joy brought to us by literature. We can also find in the literature the power to face all difficulties and setbacks.