Before I went to the Guangdong Yue Opera House for an interview, I just read a book currently selling in the book market - “Who Moved My Cheese?”. Dr. Spencer Johnson spoke a parable for “cheese.” Her character, Haw, suddenly found the missing cheese, thought to be her own forever. After overcoming frustration, hopelessness and fear, he set out to find new cheeses and, finally, found more and better cheeses. The “cheese” in the book is obviously a metaphor for pursuing a goal or an ideal. Everyone has the “cheese” in mind, and the reality of “cheese” is always changing. When he chipped the delicious new cheese, he wrote down on the wall the idea of finding new cheeses, such as “ready to take the cheeses away” and “smell your cheeses so often to know them When it begins to degenerate ”,“ the sooner you give up the old cheese, the sooner you will be able to enjoy the new cheese, ”“ the more adventurous you want to enjoy the new cheese. ” In fact, this is a motivational people