
来源 :中国城市研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong588
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大型商业设施是指以零售的方式,经营日用百货、餐饮、时尚用品、建材等各类商品的大型购物场所。大型商业设施的典型是越来越为国人所知的shopping mall——大型购物中心。在居民消费能力提高、消费群体日渐庞大、政府加大政策倾斜等外在环境,以及独特的地理位置、悠久的历史文化、丰厚的情感积淀、浓厚的商业氛围、便利的交通运输等内部比较优势的影响下,大型商业设施在传统商业中心迅速发展,成为构成商业中心的核心及城市繁荣的重要标志。但由于市场定位不准,国内一些传统商业中心大型商业设施正陷入有场无市的绝境。这不仅对城市的商业发展有重大影响,而且对城市市容造成极大的负面影响。本研究以厦门市传统商业中心中山商圈为研究对象,采用量化分析及质性研究,透过文献分析、深度访谈及实地调查,在中山商圈大型商业设施空间格局、经营结构和服务定位、消费者结构及需求特点等现状调查的基础上,分析了中山商圈大型商业设施空间格局、市场定位的现状及存在问题,应用STP战略(S—Segmentation市场细分、T—Targeting目标市场选择、P—Position市场定位)分析出大型商业设施市场细分、目标市场选择及市场定位,并针对百货类、购物广场类大型商业设施不同特点及所处的区位研拟出行销策略,期望透过本研究带给中山商圈大型商业设施一个未来转型的省思与启发,并为国内传统商业中心大型商业设施的发展提供借鉴和参考。 Large-scale commercial facilities refer to large-scale shopping establishments that manage various types of commodities such as general merchandise, catering, fashion products, building materials, etc., in a retail manner. Typical of large-scale commercial facilities are shopping malls, large-scale shopping centers, which are increasingly known to the public. In the areas of increasing consumer spending power, increasing consumer groups, the government’s increased policy tilt and other external environments, as well as its unique geographical location, long history and culture, rich emotional accumulation, strong commercial atmosphere, convenient transportation and other internal comparative advantages. Under the influence of this, large-scale commercial facilities have developed rapidly in traditional commercial centers and have become an important symbol of the core of business centers and the prosperity of cities. However, due to inaccurate market positioning, large-scale commercial facilities in some of China’s traditional commercial centers are plunged into a state of desperation. This not only has a major impact on the commercial development of the city, but also has a great negative impact on the city’s appearance. This study takes the Zhongshan Business Center in Xiamen as the research object, using quantitative analysis and qualitative research. Through literature analysis, in-depth interviews, and field surveys, the spatial structure, operational structure, and service orientation of large-scale commercial facilities in the Zhongshan Commercial Circle are On the basis of surveys on the status quo of consumer structure and demand characteristics, the spatial layout, market positioning status and existing problems of large-scale commercial facilities in Zhongshan District were analyzed. The STP strategy (S-Segmentation market segmentation, T-Targeting target market selection, and P-Position Market Positioning analyzes the market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning of large-scale commercial facilities, and develops marketing strategies for the different characteristics of large-scale commercial facilities such as department stores and shopping malls, and the locations where they are located. The study will provide a reflection and inspiration for a future transformation of the large-scale commercial facilities in the Zhongshan Business District, and provide reference for the development of large-scale commercial facilities in the traditional commercial centers in China.
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1  王天是个写手兼职网店卖家,最近写作陷入了瓶颈,不知写些什么好,朋友说让他多了解周围生活,从中吸取灵感。王天是个宅男不善于交际,方寸天地除了家,就是窗外巴掌大的天空。    窗外能有什么呢?对面是一幢高层建筑,与王天家楼房相距不过二十米,鸽子笼里整天就是熄灯关灯,上演着索然无味的百姓生活。  一天,王天发现了正对那幢楼的801室出现了奇怪的现象。  透过窗户他看到,一个身材娇小、长相美丽的少妇