介绍沪杭高速铁路CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道混凝土轨道板的生产工艺、生产流程和操作要点,希望对将来生产CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道混凝土轨道板的单位能起到一定的借鉴作用,通过沪杭高速铁路六、七标14 000多块轨道板预制工作的生产实践总结出了一套完整的施工生产工艺,积累了一些成功的经验和技巧,尤其是在生产过程中轨道板外观质量和轨道板打磨精度控制上所得出的成果得到了工管中心多次肯定值得总结并推广。
The production process, production flow and operation essentials of CRTS Ⅱ slab track slab track on Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway are introduced. It is hoped that it can be used as reference for the future production of CRTSⅡ slab track slab track unit. High-speed railway six, seven standard more than 14,000 pieces of track plate prefabricated production practice summed up a complete set of construction technology, has accumulated some successful experience and skills, especially in the production process of rail plate appearance quality and the track plate The results obtained on the control of the grinding accuracy have been repeatedly confirmed by the Center for Engineering Management worth summarizing and promoting.