川崎病(Kawasaki disease)又称皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征,由日本人川崎富作于1967年首次报告。该病是一种以全身血管炎性病变为主要病理改变的急性发热性疾病,病变涉及多系统,主要临床表现与血管炎的病理变化有关,主要并发症有冠状动脉瘤、冠状动脉狭窄等,其病因尚未明了。因本病有流行性、发热、皮疹和自限性,多认为与病原微生物有关。一、川崎病的心脏损害可引起心脏所有部位的炎症,全心炎多发生在病后1~6周,心脏损害发生率为72%~91%。(一)心肌炎:
Kawasaki disease, also known as mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, was first reported by Japanese Kawasaki Fuji in 1967. The disease is a systemic vascular inflammatory lesions as the main pathological changes in acute febrile diseases, lesions involving multiple systems, the main clinical manifestations and pathological changes of vasculitis, the main complications of coronary aneurysms, coronary artery stenosis, etc., The etiology is unclear. Due to the disease epidemic, fever, rash and self-limiting, and more that the pathogenic microorganisms. First, Kawasaki disease of heart damage can cause inflammation in all parts of the heart, heart inflammation occurs in the disease after 1 to 6 weeks, the incidence of heart damage was 72% to 91%. (A) myocarditis: