番茄又称西红柿,它含有丰富的营养,可以生食、煮食、加工制成番茄酱、汁或整果罐藏。每人每天食用50~100 g鲜番茄,不仅满足人体对几种维生素和矿物质的需要,而且又有多种功用被称为神奇的菜中之果,是全世界栽培最为普遍的果菜之一,虽然我国的番茄生产历史较短,但生产发展很快,生产面积已跃居世界前列,四季生产,周年供应市场,是我国最重要的蔬菜之一。
Tomatoes, also known as tomatoes, are rich in nutrients that can be raw, cooked, processed into ketchup, juice or whole-fruit canning. Each person daily consumption of 50 ~ 100 g fresh tomato, not only to meet the human body needs of several vitamins and minerals, but also has a variety of functions known as the magic of the fruit, is the world’s most commonly cultivated fruits and vegetables Although our country has a short history of tomato production, its production has been developing rapidly and its production area has risen to the forefront of the world. It is one of the most important vegetables in China for its production in the four seasons and its annual supply market.