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中国新文化运动对“五四”新文学的生成产生了重大影响,其特点之一就是使新文学一直都将新的意义重构作为自身发展的动力,并由此把自身的生成与发展建立在“一时代有一时代之文学”的历史进化链条上,使之获得广阔的生长空间和合理合法的文化审美依据。其文化意义表现出一种鲜明的对现代意识、现代观念和现代价值标准的建构思想。同时,这也是“五四”新文学之所以能够在较短的时期里迅速取代古典文学,占据中国文学的中心位置,开创中国文学发展新局面的一个重要原因。 The New Culture Movement of China has had a significant impact on the formation of the new literature in the May Fourth Movement. One of its characteristics is that New Literature always regards the reconstruction of new meaning as the motive force for its own development. In this way, The development is based on the historical evolutionary chain of “literature of a certain era and age”, which gives it a vast space for growth and a rational and legitimate cultural aesthetic basis. Its cultural significance shows a clear idea of ​​the construction of modern consciousness, modern concepts and modern value standards. At the same time, this is also an important reason why the new literature of the May Fourth Movement quickly replaced classical literature in a relatively short period of time, occupy the central position of Chinese literature and opened up a new prospect for the development of Chinese literature.
今年的春天有点奇怪,又干又冷,桃花都开得粉嘟嘟了,还下了一场雪。田野里的麦子刚抬头,又一下子被打蔫了下去。雪化了,它们还赖着不肯起身,好像受了委屈一样。就连一向赶在春前脚抽穗开花的茅针草,今年有些也落在了后面,干巴巴的,提不起劲。  “今年年成怕是不好哦。”爷爷站在田埂上望着面黄肌瘦的麦子,一脸的担忧。  “别着急嘛,爷,天暖和它们就拼命长了。” 骑在牛背上的金锁安慰爷爷。  “春冷多雨水,雨多也