2014年11月,广东省曲协召开了学习习总书记在文艺工作座谈会上重要讲话精神暨曲艺创作研讨会,组织部分与会代表、资深曲艺撰曲家对201 4年第3期开始改版后的《曲艺》杂志与之前的版本进行对比分析,集中反馈以下意见:1、改版后图文并茂更为突出,排版更灵活,插图更靓丽新颖,版式设计较之前更多彩。2、文章更为短小精悍,在相同页数中容量似乎更大些,内容也更为丰富,并开设《特别策划》专栏,更有深度。
In November 2014, the Guangdong Qujiang Society held a seminar on studying the spirit of the important speeches and folk art at the seminar of literary and art work held by the general secretary Xi of the CPC, and organized some delegates and experienced songwriters and songwriters The “Quyi” magazine compared with the previous version, focusing on the following feedback: 1, after the revision of the picture is more prominent, more flexible layout, illustration more beautiful and new, layout design more colorful than before. 2, the article is more dapper, in the same number of pages in the capacity seems bigger, the content is more abundant, and the creation of “special planning” column, more depth.