Dihydroxy-propoxymethylguanine (DHPG). The concentration (IC 50) of 50% inhibition of plaque formation on herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) KOS strain in tissue culture was 0.1 μg / ml. The anti-HSV activity of DHPG in combination with cytidine has a synergistic effect; DHPG has an additive effect with acyclovir and teiadinan respectively. Eye drops of 0.1 and 0.05% DHPG solution had significant therapeutic effect on rabbits with experimental herpes simplex virus keratitis. No significant effect was found when the concentration was reduced to 0.025 and 0.0l%. On the substantive herpes simplex keratitis, 0.1% DHPG solution eye drops effective.