近几年来,通货紧缩以及随之产生的长期低利率环境和股票市场低迷给人寿保险行业的经营带来了巨大的挑战,本文重点分析低利率环境对中国人寿保险行业所带来的影响,并探讨相应的应对策略。 利率环境及其主要成因 通货紧缩导致的低利率几乎成为当前全球经济的共同特点,而由于间接融资为主的金融结构和金融部门的低效率,中国债券市场的利率结构更有其特殊性;长短期债券利率息差很小、收益率曲线过于平坦。 2001年以来,全球性掀起了一股降息浪
In recent years, the deflation and consequent long-term low interest rate environment and stock market downturn have posed enormous challenges to the life insurance industry. This paper focuses on the impact of the low interest rate environment on the life insurance industry in China and Explore the appropriate coping strategies. The interest rate environment and its main causes deflationary low interest rates have almost become the common features of the current global economy. However, due to the financial structure of indirect financing and the inefficiency of the financial sector, the interest rate structure of China’s bond market is even more special. Interest rate spreads on short-term bonds are small, yield curve is too flat. Since 2001, a wave of interest rate cuts has waved in the world