The low-velocity plume on the southwestern edge of Yangtze Craton and superlarge ore deposits

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqiang915
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A map showing the three dimensional velocity anomaly on the southwestern edge of Yangtze craton is first compiled. Based on the map, it is suggested that there is a low velocity plume on the edge of Yangtze craton. The low velocity plume is the effect of mantle plume, plays an important role in controlling the upwelling of asthenosphere, mantle rise and the formation of intracrustal low velocity lens, and is also the carrier and provider of vast amount of fluids, mineralizers, minerogenetic materials and energy. Therefore, it is concluded that the low velocity plume is closely related to Mesozoic and Cenozoic superlarge ore deposits in time and space and genesis. Based on the map, it is suggested that there is a low velocity plume on the edge of Yangtze craton. The low velocity plume is the effect of mantle plume, plays an important role in controlling the upwelling of asthenosphere, mantle rise and the formation of intracrustal low velocity lens, and also the carrier and provider of vast amount of fluids, mineralizers, minerogenetic materials and energy. Therefore, it is is that that the low velocity plume is closely related to Mesozoic and Cenozoic superlarge ore deposits in time and space and genesis.
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