澳大利亚的研究人员发现,冬季大脑血清素(serotonin)的转换是最低的。大脑产生血清素的比率与阳光照射有效时间直接相关。墨尔本市Baker心脏研究所的Dr.Kristen Boschwa等人对脑血流进行了直接测定,目的是寻找血清素在情绪、情感疾病中所起作用的有利证据。 他们对一种矛盾现象进行了研究:光疗法和血清素再吸收抑制剂的应用表明,血清素本身在季节性抑郁症的发生
Researchers in Australia found that the winter serotonin conversion is the lowest. The rate at which the brain produces serotonin is directly related to the duration of sun exposure. Dr. Kristen Boschwa et al. At the Baker Heart Institute in Melbourne tested brain blood flow directly for the purpose of finding evidence that serotonin plays a role in emotional and emotional disorders. They studied a paradoxical phenomenon: the use of phototherapy and serotonin reuptake inhibitors suggests that serotonin itself occurs during the onset of seasonal depression