在“保护家居生态,营造儿童家园”理念指导下,全国首家近万平方米的大型专业化儿童家居市场——星火“小人国”3月2日在青岛星火家具大世界建成开业。 在青岛市计划生育委员会、青岛市居室文化研究会和青岛市中小学家长学校研究会,组织有关专家对”独生子女心理健康与居室环境关系问题”专题调研后,专家提出:家居生态环境与儿童心理健康事关“未来人才培养与世纪发展”的大问题,应该引起全
Guided by the concept of “Protecting Home Ecology and Building Children’s Homeland”, the first large-scale specialized children’s home market in China, Spark Homeland, was opened on March 2 in Qingdao Spark Furniture World. In Qingdao City Family Planning Commission, Qingdao City Chamber of Culture Research and Qingdao Primary and Secondary Parents School Research Association, the organization of experts on the “only child’s mental health and the relationship between room environment,” the topic of research, the experts put forward: home environment and children Mental health concerns the “future talents training and the development of the century,” the big problem, should cause full