最近 ,在意大利博洛尼亚召开的联合国LINK项目秋季例会对今明两年全球经济给出了最新预测和分析。一、总体预测及概况全球经济复苏比预期乏力。今年4月份LINK项目春季例会曾预测下半年全球经济将进入全面复苏 ,但最新的预测结果表明 ,全球经济复苏的高峰期将在200
The recent fall regular meeting of the United Nations LINK project in Bologna, Italy, gives the latest forecasts and analysis of the global economy in the next two years. First, the overall forecast and overview The global economic recovery than expected weakness. The spring regular meeting of the LINK project in April this year predicted that the global economy will enter a full recovery in the second half of the year. However, the latest forecast shows that the global economic recovery will peak at 200