为了使馆藏文物的保护管理这项博物馆业务基础工作逐步走上科学化、规范化、制度化的轨道,黑龙江省博物馆根据国家文物局及黑龙江省文物管理委员会的要求,从1992年开始,积极开展了馆藏文物的建档工作。笔者作为文物保管人员,责无旁贷地参加了此项工作。这里,就文物的建档问题,结合多年来的工作实践,谈以下几点体会。 一、通过藏品建档提高了保管人员的业务素质 众所周知,在一般情况下,文物保管员是按编号保管文物,间或根据需要做些文物提取入藏的出入库工作,以及定期的通风晾晒、加药灭虫、消毒除尘等保护工作。其职责要求也只是确保文物不失窃和避免出现责任性毁损,因而,多数文物保管人员很自然地把自己的工作限定在管好钥匙、看好门的“守摊看堆”水平上,而对所保管文物的有关知识却了解不多,知之甚少。虽然工作了十数年乃至数十年,但对藏品的理性认识无甚提高,很难适应文博事业不断发展的需要。
In order to protect and manage the museum’s cultural heritage, the museum’s basic work has gradually taken on a scientific, standardized and institutionalized track. According to the requirements of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the Heilongjiang Provincial Cultural Relics Management Commission, Heilongjiang Provincial Museum has actively carried out Archives of cultural relics collection work. The author, as a cultural preservation officer, is duty-bound to participate in this work. Here, on the archives of cultural relics issues, combined with years of work practice, talk about the following experience. First, through the collection of documents to improve the quality of custodial staff As we all know, under normal circumstances, cultural relics keeper is according to the number of custody of cultural relics, or according to the need to do some cultural relics into the reservoir out of warehousing, and regular ventilation drying, plus Pest control, disinfection and dust protection work. Their duty requirements are only to ensure that cultural relics are not stolen and to avoid liability damage. Therefore, most cultural relics custodians naturally limit their work to managing the keys and their doors to the level of “detention and inspection” Little knowledge of the preservation of cultural relics, know little. Although it has been working for several decades and even decades, it is difficult for the rational understanding of the collection to improve and it is very hard to adapt to the continuous development of the cultural and art undertakings.