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今年11月26日是罗荣桓元帅百岁诞辰日。罗荣桓这个光辉的名字铭刻在中国共产党领导的人民军队建军丰碑上。1927年,毛泽东领导的秋收起义部队在湖南永新县的三湾村改编时,开创了“党的支部建立在连队上”的全新制度,罗荣桓就是最早的7个连队党代表之一。他曾上过两所大学:青岛大学和武昌的中山大学,是当时党代表中学历最高的。他由此逐步成长为优秀的军队政治工作者,直至共和国元帅,有“政治元帅”之称。在战火中,罗荣桓负过伤。1942年起又患严重的肾病,1946年左肾被切除,刀口刚愈合便回到东北战场。他长期抱病工作,1963年12月16日病逝,时年61岁。罗帅逝世,毛泽东主席甚为悲痛,夜不能寐,写下《七律·吊罗荣桓》一诗,敬录于此:记得当年草上飞,红军队里每相违。长征不是难堪日,战锦方为大问题。斥鷃每闻欺大鸟,昆鸡长笑老鹰非。君今不幸离人世,国有疑难可问谁?从1927年9月秋收起义开始,罗荣桓就在毛泽东直接领导下工作。1928年秋,毛泽东率部行军时,为加快行进速度,罗荣桓令战士们坐着从山坡上顺势滑下,几百名红军在草丛中飞速而下的壮观场面,毛泽东看了不禁脱口说道:“我们都成了‘草上飞’啦!”毛泽东一生写了许多诗词,怀念战友和亲人的作品却很少,除了《蝶恋花·答李淑一》是怀念杨开慧、柳直荀两烈士外,这首七律是目前可见的惟一的悼诗。诗中最后一句:“国有疑难可问谁?”足以体现毛泽东对罗荣桓的友谊和器重。 November 26 this year is the birthday of Marshal Luo Ronghuan hundred years old. The glorious name of Ronghuan Huan is engraved on the monument of the founding of People’s Army under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. In 1927, when the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong reorganized in Sanwan Village, Yongxin County, Hunan Province, it created a new system of “party branches built on the company”. Luo Ronghuan was one of the earliest representatives of the seven company parties. He had been to two universities: Qingdao University and Zhongshan University in Wuchang, where the party representatives had the highest level of education. He thus gradually grew into an excellent army political worker until the Marshal of the Republic had the title of “political marshal”. In the war, Luo Ronghuan beaten. In 1942, he suffered from severe kidney disease again. In 1946, the left kidney was removed and the blade was healed and returned to the northeast battlefield. His long-term sick work, December 16, 1963 died, at the age of 61 years. Luo Shuai died, Chairman Mao Zedong was very sad, awake at night, wrote “Seven Laws hanging Ronghuan” a poem, recorded in this: I remember when the grass on the fly, the Red Army every match. Long march is not embarrassed day, war Kam side as a big problem. Scold every smell bully bird, Kunming long laugh eagle non. Jun is unlucky to leave the world, the state-owned difficult to ask who? From the September 1927 autumn uprising began, Luo Ronghuan work under the direct leadership of Mao Zedong. In the autumn of 1928, when Mao Zedong led his troops to march in order to speed up the pace of development, Luo Ronghuan ordered the soldiers to sit on the spectacular scenes of speeding down from the hillside and hundreds of Red Army in the grass. Mao Zedong could not help but blurt out: We all became ’grass flying’! “Mao Zedong wrote many poems in his life and few works commemorating his comrades and his relatives. Apart from” Butterfly Love and Flower Li Shuyi “, they miss the two martyrs Yang Kaihui and Liu Zhixun. The first seven laws are the only ones that can be seen today. The last sentence in the poem: ”Who can state the difficult state? " Mao Zedong’s friendship and honor to Luo Ronghuan.
Background: Lymph node ratio (LNR) and margin status have prognostic significance in pancreatic cancer. Herein we examined the pathologic and clinical outcomes
INTRODUCTIONrnAccording to estimates published in 2016, up to 240 million people around the world suffer from osteoarthritis (OA).1 It is the most common chroni