
来源 :青年文学家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:makeitreal
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艺术家通过光影与明暗的运用来表现出艺术作品当中的主题。天主教和新教宗教文化的差异,使得鲁本斯和伦勃朗遵循不同的创作思想,形成了了迥异的风格语言。文章试图分析两人的同名作品《下十字架》中由光影与明暗构成的物理空间与心理空间之间的不同,以及带给观者的不同的视觉感受和心理体验。 The artist uses the light and shade to show the theme of the artwork. The differences between the religious culture of the Catholic Church and Protestantism led Rubens and Rembrandt to follow different creative ideas and form different styles of languages. The article attempts to analyze the difference between the physical space and the psychological space formed by the light and shade of the two crosses under the eponymous work “The Cross of the Two,” and the different visual feelings and psychological experiences brought to the viewer.