睾丸微结石(testicular microlithiasis,TM),即睾丸内微小的结石,是一种以生精小管无症状钙化为特点的睾丸疾病。选择超声检查TM,具有无创、低辐射、经济等特点,且检查人员的经验和操作年限因素等对诊断结果影响小~([1]),因而检查结果重复性好、准确、直观。本文对既往本院超声科检出的41例TM病例进行总结分析。1资料与方法1.1临床资料2013年1月至2015年12月,本院
Testicular microlithiasis (TM), the tiny stone in the testes, is a testicular disease characterized by asymptomatic calcifications of the seminiferous tubules. The choice of ultrasonography TM has the characteristics of noninvasiveness, low radiation and economy, and the influence of examiner’s experience and operation age factors on the diagnosis results is small ([1]). Therefore, the test results are reproducible, accurate and intuitive. This article summarizes the 41 cases of TM detected by our hospital ultrasound department in the past. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data January 2013 to December 2015, the Court