【摘 要】
The System of China-Appointed Attesting Officers isan institutional arrangement specially designed for attestingto the legitimacy and authenticity of legal actions.
The System of China-Appointed Attesting Officers isan institutional arrangement specially designed for attestingto the legitimacy and authenticity of legal actions.
(四)全民討論四個月 問:為什麼憲法修改草案要交付全民討論? 王漢斌:憲法是全國人民辦事的總章程,同全國每個人的切身利益密切相關,需要聽取全國人民的意見。有些國家制定、修改憲法採取全民投票的方式。我們沒有採取這種方式,而是組織全民討論。
The system of China-Appointed Attesting Officerhas, which is a significant achievement of institutional,theoretical and practical innovation, effectively provided animportant method to solve the probl
On June 30, 2012, 17 intermediate railway transport courts, 58 basic railway transport courts, together with 17 branches of railway transport procuratorates and 59 basic railway transport procuratorat
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With the increasing globalization of capital market and emergence of securitization of asset, banking loans and security products are becoming entangled with each other, leading to increasing number o
Civil Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China (the second revision) (An Amendment to Civil Procedure Law (Two) for short as follows), which was issued on August 31st, 2012, is another milestone to
If we see through history, China’s commercial law can date back to the Qing Imperial Commercial Law formulated in 1904 when the Qing Dynasty made legislative reforms in its late phases. The Qing Imper