目的:探讨灾难化解释、躯体警觉性、积极元认知对个体健康焦虑的影响.方法:采用问卷调查法对3个省份共510名大学生进行测查,使用多元依次回归检验灾难化解释对健康焦虑的影响中,躯体警觉性的中介效应和积极元认知有调节的中介效应.结果:①躯体警觉性对灾难化解释和健康焦虑的关系有部分中介效应.②积极元认知调节了中介过程的直接和前半路径.具体而言,相对于低积极元认知,高积极元认知能够减少灾难化解释对健康焦虑以及躯体警觉性的影响.结论:积极元认知调节了灾难化解释对健康焦虑的直接效应以及通过躯体警觉性影响健康焦虑的中介效应.“,”Objective:To explore the effect of catastrophic misinterpretation,body vigilance,positive metacognition and health anxiety.Methods:510 university students from 3 provinces in China were measured by questionnaire.The mediating effect of body vigilance and the moderated mediating effect of positive metacognition were tested by stepped multiple linear regression.Results:①Body vigilance played a partial mediating role in the relation between catastrophic misinterpretation and health anxiety.②The direct and mediation effect was moderated by positive metacognition.Compared to adults with low positive metacognition,adults with high positive metacognition showed buffering effect on direct and mediating paths.Conclusion:Positive metacognition moderats the direct effect between catastrophic misinterpretation and the mediation effect of body vigilance in the relation between catastrophic misinterpretation and health anxiety.