据《上海商业信息中心》提供的资料,他们将2006年9月份14家销货超亿元的商场的彩妆销售额进行排序,结果显示,美宝莲为第一,销售额占有率为14.04%;第二名是香奈儿,销售占有率为10.51%;欧菜雅占第三,销货率为8.08%。以下依次是CD、欧珀莱、兰蔻、红地球、露华浓、MGPIN、资生堂、羽西、雅诗兰黛、植村秀、郑明明、ZA、色彩地带、ANNA SUI、Make UP Forever、倩碧等。将此信息材料与天津中原百货化妆品部的统计相比较,排序大体相同,只不过有的品牌根据南北需求差异而略有变化。据中原百货集团化妆品部主任说,进入9月份,沉寂了三四个月的彩妆后,销货量明显上升,就连一向少有问津的妮维娅男用润唇膏,自入秋以来也有动销。这种销售形势,从VIP客户服务中心电脑部获取的资料中反映得最为真切。在VIP客户中有90%以上的客户一年中有过四次以上到商场购买彩妆。一年四季都有使用彩妆经历者占购买化妆品人数的70%,其中有占40%以上的彩妆消费者,购买彩妆以大品牌为主,美宝莲、卡姿兰、色彩地带等成为中等偏上收入的女性追捧。价位在80元以下的彩妆粉底近来销售逐月增高。18元到40元的眼影、腮红以及15元到25元的唇蜜、口红和15元一支的眼线笔等都成为大众首选的物品。到了秋季,这种销售趋势一路飙升,构成了滋养、保湿、美白等护肤品平分秋色的态势。
According to the information provided by Shanghai Commercial Information Center, they sorted the sales of makeup products in 14 stores that sold over 100 million yuan in September 2006. The results showed that Maybelline took the first place with a sales volume of 14.04%. The second is Chanel, the sales share of 10.51%; European cuisine Accor accounted for the third, sales rate of 8.08%. The following are CD, Oupo Lai, Lancome, Red Earth, Revlon, MGPIN, Shiseido, Yue-Sai, Estee Lauder, Shu Uemura, Zheng Mingming, ZA, color zone, ANNA SUI, Make UP Forever, Clinique and so on. The information materials and Tianjin Cosmetics Department of the Central Plains Department of statistics compared to sort roughly the same, but some brands vary slightly depending on North-South demand and change. According to Zhongyuan Department Store cosmetics department director said that in September, quiet three or four months after the make-up, the sales increased significantly, even the ever-rare Nivia male lip balm, since the autumn has also been moving . This sales situation, from the VIP customer service center computer department to get the most reflect the information. More than 90% of VIP customers have over four times a year to the mall to buy make-up. There are 70% of cosmetics purchasers who use make-up experience throughout the year, among which over 40% are make-up consumers, and make-up is dominated by big brands. Mid- and upper-income women, such as Maybelline, Cardinal, Sought after Cosmetics price below 80 yuan in the recent sales increased month by month. 18 yuan to 40 yuan eye shadow, blush and 15 yuan to 25 yuan lip gloss, lipstick and 15 yuan a eyeliner, etc. have become the first choice for the public. In the fall, this sales trend soared, constitutes a nourishing, moisturizing, whitening and other skin care products equal shares situation.