乐坛天后陈慧琳和失散了的新人王陈冠希姐弟相认,不是吧?虽然是同姓三分亲,但哪有这么巧!这只不过是新一辑某可乐的广告罢了。继郭富城之后,陈慧琳成为某可乐的新代言人,并拍下一辑全新广告在农历年播出。陈冠希(Edison)在上一年已经为该饮料公司拍过广告,并在强大的宣传攻势配合之下,Edison 在国内取得了一定的知名度。在广告中,他饰演陈慧琳的弟弟,真是同姓三分亲。在故事中,导演巧妙安排 Edison 的角色出场,务求和上一辑广告连戏。其实拍摄当时,陈冠希正在马来西亚拍戏,百忙中抽空赶去上海,和其“姐姐”会合,投入紧迫的拍摄过程。有关方面拒绝透露 Edison 可以得到多少酬劳,但见他如此有心,千里迢迢地飞去上海,可以
The music scene days Kelly Chan and the newcomer Wang Chen Guanghui siblings recognize, is not it? Although the same surname one-third of pro, but how can such a clever! This is just a new series of Coke ads nothing more. After Aaron Kwok, Kelly became a new spokesperson for Coke and took a new series of advertisements broadcast on the Lunar New Year. Edison had made commercials for the beverage company last year and with a strong publicity campaign Edison has gained a reputation in the country. In the advertisement, he plays Kelly’s brother, is really the same surname third of pro. In the story, the director cleverly arranges Edison’s character to appear in order to keep up with the previous series of ads. Actually shooting at that time, Edison is filming in Malaysia, rush to rush to Shanghai, and its “sister” meet, into an urgent filming process. The parties concerned declined to say how much Edison can get, but seeing him so determined to fly to Shanghai with great care,