In the medical literature, it is often mentioned that some benign or neoplastic lesions undergo malignancy after radiotherapy. We have encountered a case of sarcoma metastasis in the past 10 years after radiotherapy for cheek hemangiomas. This is a rare case and is reported below. Sick: 尉××, female, 26 years old, farmer. History: Right cheek mass was 26 years old, postoperative recurrence with pain for 5 months. At the time of birth, the right cheek lumps have large eggs, soft and red, and there are hard blocks in the central area, and the size of the mass decreases with age. At the age of 5, the mass increased after fall injury and was reduced to its original size after anti-inflammatory treatment. When he was 16 years old, he had undergone radiotherapy for more than 20 times (the total dose was unknown). The local skin became obnoxious and the mass was reduced, but it still existed. In the past year, because of the rapid increase in mass with beating pain, I could still endure the right cheek hemangiomas.