近年来的研究发现:1.并非所有的原位癌均要发展为浸润癌,有不少原位癌可以长期保持不变,有些甚至自行消退;2.胃癌间质浸润的淋巴球几乎都是 T 淋巴细胞,而非癌的胃粘膜固有层内形成滤泡的淋巴球或散在地出现在粘膜固有层内的淋巴球都是B淋巴细胞;3.癌间质中淋巴细胞浸润、癌周淋巴滤泡形成、所属淋巴结滤泡增生都与患者的预后有密切关
Recent studies have found that: 1. Not all cancers in situ need to develop into invasive cancers. Many in situ cancers may remain unchanged for a long time and some may even subside spontaneously. 2. Lymphoblasts with invasive gastric cancer are almost always T-lymphocytes, lymphocytes that form follicles in the lamina propria of non-cancerous gastric mucosa, or lymphocytes scattered in the lamina propria are B-lymphocytes; 3. Lymphocyte infiltration in the interstitial lung, lymphoid lymph nodes Follicular formation and lymph node follicular hyperplasia are closely related to the prognosis of patients.