Small article with acoustic impedance meter on exudative otitis media in patients with hearing test, which was C-shaped curve of 105 ears were tympanic membrane puncture fluid, the results are reported as follows. Test Methods and Results To understand the relationship between slope and effusion of the tympanic cavity, audiometric tests were performed on patients with exudative otitis media using the Madsen ZS-77MB acoustic impedance meter. A total of 54 ears (54 males and 28 females, aged 9-66 years) were measured. The tympanic membrane was immediately confirmed by tympanosclerosis. The hp / ht × 100% [1 ] (See figure) to measure the slope value. The results are as follows: 105 ears ear ear puncture was 75.2%, 26 ears without liquid, accounting for 24.8%. Slope and tympanites fluid see schedule