建湖县恒济乡采取五项改革措施,对村级招待费用、挂桨船费用、公用工支出、计划生育手术补助、超编人员报酬等五路“消耗神”加强管理,取得了较好效果。1991年上半年全乡五项消耗支出比上年同期减少8.56万元,人平负担减少了3.51元。他们的措施是: 一、改革来客招待制度。对到村工作必需就餐的上级来客,严禁烟酒招待,伙食标准定为一人5元,二人7元,三人10元,超过一人的,每增一人增加2元。就餐者按规定交纳就餐券,各乡要如实填写全乡统一印制的招待费报销单,送乡经管站审批,并将招待开支逐笔公布上墙,接受群众监督。与上年同期相比,全
Jianghu County Hengji Township to take five reform measures, the village entertainment fees, hanging paddle board costs, public expenditure, family planning surgery subsidies, remuneration and other super five “consumption God” to strengthen management and achieved good results . In the first half of 1991, the township’s five consumption expenditures decreased by 85,600 yuan over the same period of last year, while the people’s flat burden decreased by 3.51 yuan. Their measures are: First, the reform of hospitality system. To the work of the village must eat higher guests, is strictly prohibited alcohol and tobacco hospitality, food standards set at 5 yuan for one person, two 7 yuan, 10 yuan for three, more than one person, an additional increase of 2 yuan. The diners shall pay the dining vouchers according to the regulations. Each township shall truthfully fill in the reimbursement form for hospitality expenses uniformly printed by the township and send it to the township economic management station for examination and approval. The entertainment expenses shall be announced on the wall and supervised by the masses. Compared with the same period of last year, all