大庆油田“九五”聚合物驱油地面建设总体规划 ,通过方案比选 ,采用了“集中配制、分散注入”的布局方案 ,比“分散配制、分散注入”的布局方案节省投资 39% ,“九五”总体规划设计地区可节省基建投资 5 1× 10 8元。由于采用了聚合物电脱水与水驱电脱水混合的处理方案 ,少建脱水站 8座 ,节省投资 0 72 8× 10 8元 ;通过与油田开发密切结合 ,及适当调整注入区块和时间 ,使萨中油田减少配制站 1座 ,喇嘛甸油田 2号、 3号配制站减少设计规模 0 79×10 4 t/a ,及相应的采出液、采出水处理规模 ,节省投资 1 2 7× 10 8元
Daqing Oilfield “95” polymer flooding ground construction master plan, through the program comparison, the use of “centralized preparation, decentralized injection” of the layout of the program, “distributed preparation, decentralized injection,” the layout of the program to save 39% of investment, Nine Five "overall planning design area can save 5,1 × 10 8 yuan of infrastructure investment. Due to the adoption of the treatment scheme of mixing polymer dewatering and water flooding dewatering, there are 8 sets of dehydration stations in Shaoxian, saving investment of 0 72 8 × 10 8 yuan. Through close integration with oilfield development and proper adjustment of injection blocks and time, Reduce the No. 1 preparation station in Sazhong Oilfield and reduce the design scale 0 79 × 10 4 t / a in No. 2 and No. 3 preparation stations of Lamadian Oilfield, and the corresponding recovery rate of production and treated water to save investment 1 2 7 × 10 8 yuan