
来源 :小学教学(语文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzhguozhihong
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现代儿童为何要读文言文?我想其中的原因至少有三:1.文言文是中华民族传统文化得以世代传承的主要载体。传统文化是中华民族之魂,是炎黄子孙必须继承的无与伦比的瑰宝。因此,每一个炎黄子孙都应该了解文言文,并且力求读懂文言文。2.学习文言文可以发展学生的语言,提高语言表达的质量。文言文语言简练,内涵丰富,许多文言名句格言特别是一些常 Why modern children want to read classical Chinese? I think there are at least three reasons for this: 1. Classical Chinese is the traditional Chinese culture to inherit the main carrier for generations. Traditional culture is the soul of the Chinese nation. It is an unparalleled gem that the Yan and Huang descendants must inherit. Therefore, every Chinese descendants should understand classical Chinese, and strive to understand classical Chinese. 2. Learning Chinese can develop the language of students and improve the quality of language expression. Classical Chinese language concise, rich in content, many aphorisms, especially some of the commonplace