在柑桔胚状体高频发生、三倍体幼胚培养、败育胚的抢救和原生质体培养及融合研究过程中 ,常常伴随着畸形胚的大量形成 ,如多胚、多子叶、次级胚、幼根愈伤化肥大等 ,难以萌发成苗 ,实际上降低了植株再生频率 ,从而影响了柑桔的生物技术育种进程。本研究的目的是通过改变培养方
In the process of high frequency of embryoid body, triploid embryo culture, abortion embryo rescue and protoplast culture and fusion, the formation of abnormal embryos is often accompanied by the massive formation of embryos such as polyembryonic embryos, multiple cotyledons, secondary Embryo, young root callus and so on, it is difficult to germinate seedlings, in fact, reduce the frequency of plant regeneration, thus affecting the citrus biotechnology breeding process. The purpose of this study was to change the culture side