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户外广告不仅是商业文化的代表,还是现代城市景观的重要组成部分,担负着对城市景观再创造的重任。由于目前我国户外广告设计对景观的忽视,造成了户外广告和城市景观之间的种种不协调现象。随着对城市形象及城市空间质量关注的加强,对户外广告设计也有了更趋向于多元化和更高层次的要求。本文从设计学本身出发,借鉴了部分景观学方面的知识,提出在景观意识下进行户外广告设计的观点。通过例证分析和归纳总结认为户外广告设计应强调整体性意识和个性化意识并举;在户外广告设计中应对包括媒体在内的环境中的一切有价值的资源,进行有效的利用和开发,发挥视觉设计在空间中的能动作用,提出了户外广告设计的场所意识,强调人的场所体验是户外广告优劣的评价标准之一。本文希望通过跨学科的研究,能给户外广告设计的实践带来新的启示。 Outdoor advertising is not only a representative of business culture, or an important part of the modern urban landscape, but also plays an important role in recreating the urban landscape. Due to the current design of outdoor advertising in our country has neglected the landscape, causing various incoherent phenomena between outdoor advertising and urban landscape. With the increasing attention to the image of the city and the quality of urban space, the design of outdoor advertising has also been more diversified and higher-level requirements. This article, starting from the design of learning, draws on some of the landscape of knowledge, put forward the idea of ​​outdoor advertising landscape design point of view. By analyzing and summarizing the examples, it is concluded that the outdoor advertising design should emphasize both the overall awareness and the individual awareness. In the outdoor advertising design, all valuable resources in the environment including the media should be effectively utilized and developed, and the visual Design dynamic role in space, put forward the outdoor advertising design awareness of the place, emphasizing people’s place experience is one of the evaluation criteria for outdoor advertising pros and cons. This article hopes that through interdisciplinary research, it will bring new inspiration to the practice of outdoor advertising design.
电影《美丽心灵》由美国著名数学家约翰·纳什的同名自传改编而来,几乎所有的研究者都把片名“美丽心灵(A Beautiful Mind)”中的“心灵(mind)”解释为“智力”,而把评论的重点